Greytower Technologies

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The Questionaire

The questionaire was prepared by the National Audit Office, and sent to 92 government agencies in October of 2002. The answers were registered in a web-based system which also provided a summary of the results.

Questions ranged from

Does the [Government] Agency have an explicit purpose or policy for the website ? (If so, describe)


Have organizations working for disabled people been involved or consulted during development of the website ?


How well does the website conform to W3Cs standard for HTML and CSS ?

The results are summarized. In the case of these three questions, the results varied. 89% had an explicit purpose for their site, 11% did not. 30% had worked with organizations for the disabled, 65% had not.

When it came to compliance with standards, 57% claimed that their sites was largely compliant, 15% stated it was not very, 1% said it was not at all compliant, and a full 15% does not know. Note in particular the first group, as we'll return to them abit later.

The results were analyzed by Audit Office staff, but not released for either general public consumption or for use by Greytower. In retrospect it would have harmed our objectivity had we known of the questionaire results before commencing with the audit.

At the time of writing all results have, according to Swedish law, been made available.

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